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Dongguan Suiyong fireproof glass technology Co., Ltd

Contact: Mr. Yu

Mobile: 136 0259 0190

Tel: 0755-27658310

Fax: 0755-27658310

EMAIL: 153478176@qq.com

Q Q:646193419

Address: plant 4, No. 28, Qisha Road, Qisha Industrial Zone, Shatian Town, Dongguan


Why does the grouted fireproof glass often blister? Will the glass turn grey after a year?

Time:2018-02-24 10:05:29  Views:

The formula of fireproof glue in fireproof glass of different manufacturers is different, the production technology is also different, and there are many factors affecting the quality. Only long-term stable formula and mature technology are the guarantee of quality.

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