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Dongguan Suiyong fireproof glass technology Co., Ltd

Contact: Mr. Yu

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Tel: 0755-27658310

Fax: 0755-27658310

EMAIL: 153478176@qq.com

Q Q:646193419

Address: plant 4, No. 28, Qisha Road, Qisha Industrial Zone, Shatian Town, Dongguan


Differences between fireproof glass and ordinary insulating glass

Time:2021-01-07 17:03:57  Views:

Distance bar: supporting molecular sieve; Protect the adhesive from sunlight and extend its service life

Dryness agent: its function is to absorb the water vapor between the glasses to ensure the dryness of the gas in the insulating glass (the water content in the air in the insulating glass shall be less than 0.1%, otherwise condensation will occur in winter)

Inner sealant (butyl glue): the main function of butyl glue is to prevent external gas from entering the insulating glass

Outer sealant (polysulfide adhesive or silicone adhesive): the function of outer sealant is mainly for fixing effect. Outer sealant belongs to structural adhesive, with great bonding strength, but its air tightness is not good.

Fireproof glass structure

Single piece fireproof glass: it is composed of single-layer glass. Special technology is selected to chemically and physically treat the glass to achieve corresponding fire resistance, etc.

Composite fireproof glass: 30mm thick, made of two 5mm white glasses filled with 20mm fireproof liquid in the center. Fire resistance ≥ 1.5 hours, which can not only block open fire and smoke, but also effectively block thermal radiation.

Fire resistance of fireproof glass: it can keep 60-180 minutes from cracking in 1000 ℃ flame, so as to more effectively block the spread of flame and smoke, which is conducive to sufficient time for escape and rescue and disaster relief operations

Through the above introduction, we understand that insulating glass is only a simple new building material for sound insulation and heat insulation to reduce the self weight of buildings. The fireproof glass has the application characteristics of smoke, fire, heat radiation, sound insulation and impact resistance

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