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Dongguan Suiyong fireproof glass technology Co., Ltd

Contact: Mr. Yu

Mobile: 136 0259 0190

Tel: 0755-27658310

Fax: 0755-27658310

EMAIL: 153478176@qq.com

Q Q:646193419

Address: plant 4, No. 28, Qisha Road, Qisha Industrial Zone, Shatian Town, Dongguan


What is class B fireproof glass window

Time:2020-12-11 10:06:28  Views:

That is, fire windows are designed, produced and installed according to class B fire resistance specifications. The fire resistance limit of fireproof window is: class a window is not less than 1.2 hours, class B window is not less than 0.9 hours, and class C window is not less than 0.6 hours.

Technical requirements for data and accessories of fire windows:

1. The window frame structure shall be steel structure or wood structure with certain strength to ensure the integrity and stability of components.

2. Galvanized steel plate or stainless steel plate can be used for steel structure and strip. The material selection specification conforms to Article 5.1 of gb12955 general technical conditions for steel fire doors.

3. The selection data specification of wood structure and batten shall comply with the rules in article 5.1.1 of gb14101 general technical conditions for wooden fire doors.

4. Non combustible materials shall be selected for filling materials inside steel and wood structures.

5. Fireproof glass can be selected products that do not affect the fire resistance function of fireproof window and pass the test. The light transmittance of glass shall not be less than 75% of ordinary flat glass with the same number of layers.

6. The sealing materials between the structure and the fireproof glass shall be flame retardant materials, which can achieve the effect of fire prevention and smoke separation in case of fire.

7. The hardware fittings shall be the finalized supporting products that have passed the test.

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