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Dongguan Suiyong fireproof glass technology Co., Ltd

Contact: Mr. Yu

Mobile: 136 0259 0190

Tel: 0755-27658310

Fax: 0755-27658310

EMAIL: 153478176@qq.com

Q Q:646193419

Address: plant 4, No. 28, Qisha Road, Qisha Industrial Zone, Shatian Town, Dongguan


Technical performance of fireproof glass window

Time:2020-09-25 14:54:20  Views:

Technical performance of fireproof glass window:

Fire resistance rating - 90 minutes for class I, 60 minutes for class II, 45 minutes for class III and 30 minutes for class IV;

Sound insulation effect - determined according to the performance of the fire-proof glass used;

Thermal insulation - depending on the performance of the fireproof glass used;

Window steel plate - stainless steel plate, galvanized plate or ordinary steel plate, etc. shall be used as required

Principle of fire-proof glass: in case of high temperature, the fire-proof glue layer in the center of the glass will harden quickly to form an opaque fire-proof heat insulation board. Together with the flame spreading, it also prevents the high temperature from transmitting to the back fire surface. This kind of fireproof glass not only has the function of fire prevention and heat insulation, but also has excellent sound insulation results. It can be processed into an arc.

During the operation of fireproof glass window, the operator shall not leave the operation address without authorization, pay close attention to the operation of fireproof glass window and make detailed records. Prevent any disturbing behavior during the closing process of fireproof glass window. Check whether the electrical circuit and electrical equipment are damaged, whether the operation is normal and whether they comply with various instructions. If they are damaged and do not meet the requirements, they shall be repaired immediately. Inquire whether the linkage control, central control center and automatic control program instructions in the operation process of fireproof glass window can be effectively implemented.

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